Red Hat Subscription

Required Parameters




string Optional

Method to use for activation of subscription management. If Satellite, the role will determine the Satellite Server version (5 or 6) and take the appropriate registration actions.


  • portal <- Default

  • satellite


string Optional

RHEL release version (e.g. 8.1)


boolean Optional

Register the system even if it is already registered.


  • false <- Default

  • true


string Optional

Specify subscription pool IDs to consume.A pool ID may be specified as a string - just the pool ID (ex. 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef) or as a dict with the pool ID as the key, and a quantity as the value

If the quantity is provided, it is used to consume multiple entitlements from a pool (the pool must support this).


string Optional

The list of repositories to enable or disable.When providing multiple values, a YAML list or a comma separated list are accepted.


string Optional

The state of all repos in redhat_subscription_repos.


  • enabled <- Default

  • disabled


boolean Optional

This parameter disables all currently enabled repositories that are not not specified in redhat_subscription_repos. Only set this to true if the redhat_subscription_repos field has multiple repos.


  • false <- Default

  • true


string Optional

FQDN of subscription server. Mandatory field if redhat_subscription_method is set to satellite.

Default values:


integer Optional

Port to use when connecting to subscription server.Set 443 for Satellite or RHN. If capsule is used, set 8443.


  • 443 <- Default

  • 8443


boolean Optional

Disable certificate validation.


  • false <- Default

  • true


integer Optional

Sets the number of certificates which should be used to verify the servers identity.This is an advanced control which can be used to secure on premise installations.

Default values: 3


string Optional

Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the protocol for the reverse proxy.


  • http <- Default

  • https


string Optional

Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a reverse proxy to access the subscription service.


integer Optional

Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the username for the reverse proxy.


string Optional

Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the username for the reverse proxy.


string Optional

Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the password for the reverse proxy.


string Optional

This setting is the prefix for all content which is managed by the subscription service.This should be the hostname for the Red Hat CDN, the local Satellite or Capsule depending on your deployment. This field is mandatory if redhat_subscription_method is set to satellite

Default values:


boolean Optional

Set this to true if subscription manager should manage a yum repos file. If set, it will manage the file /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo .If set to false, the subscription is only used for tracking purposes, not content. The /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file will either be purged or deleted.


  • true <- Default

  • false


boolean Optional

Set to true if the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo should be updated with every server command. This will make yum less efficient, but can ensure that the most recent data is brought down from the subscription service.


  • false <- Default

  • true


boolean Optional

Set to true if rhsmcertd should report the system’s current package profile to the subscription service. This report helps the subscription service provide better errata notifications.


  • true <- Default

  • false


integer Optional

The number of minutes between runs of the rhsmcertd daemon.

Default values: 240


integer Optional

The number of minutes between attempts to run auto-attach on this consumer.

Default values: 1440

Before running omnia.yml, it is mandatory that red hat subscription be set up on compute nodes running RHEL.

  • To set up Red hat subscription, fill in the rhsm_config.yml file. Once it’s filled in, run the template using Ansible.

  • The flow of the playbook will be determined by the value of redhat_subscription_method in rhsm_config.yml.

    • If redhat_subscription_method is set to portal, pass the values username and password. For CLI, run the command:

      cd utils
      ansible-playbook rhsm_subscription.yml -i inventory -e redhat_subscription_username="<username>" -e redhat_subscription_password="<password>"
    • If redhat_subscription_method is set to satellite, pass the values organizational identifier and activation key. For CLI, run the command:

      cd utils
      ansible-playbook rhsm_subscription.yml -i inventory -e redhat_subscription_activation_key="<activation-key>" -e redhat_subscription_org_id="<org-id>"

Where the inventory refers to a file listing all manager and compute nodes per the format provided in inventory file.

Red Hat Unsubscription

To disable subscription on RHEL nodes, the red_hat_unregister_template has to be called:

cd utils
ansible_playbook rhsm_unregister.yml -i inventory

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at