AI platforms

If you want to install JupyterHub and Kubeflow playbooks, you have to first install the JupyterHub playbook and then install the Kubeflow playbook.

Commands to install JupyterHub and Kubeflow:

ansible-playbook platforms/jupyterhub.yml -i inventory
ansible-playbook platforms/kubeflow.yml -i inventory


When the Internet connectivity is unstable or slow, it may take more time to pull the images to create the Kubeflow containers. If the time limit is exceeded, the Apply Kubeflow configurations task may fail. To resolve this issue, you must redeploy Kubernetes cluster and reinstall Kubeflow by completing the following steps:

  • Format the OS on manager and compute nodes.

  • In the omnia_config.yml file, change the k8s_cni variable value from calico to flannel.

  • Run the Kubernetes and Kubeflow playbooks.

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