Control plane logs

All log files can be viewed using CLI. Alternatively, most log files can be viewed using the Dashboard tab ( Dashboard ) on the grafana UI.


It is not recommended to delete the below log files or the directories they reside in.


Log files are rotated periodically as a storage consideration. To customize how often logs are rotated, edit the /etc/logrotate.conf file on the node.

Below is a list of all logs available to Loki and can be accessed from the dashboard:

Log files




Additional Information

Omnia Logs


Omnia Log

This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia directory.

Accelerator Logs


Accelerator Log

This log is configured by Default.

Monitor Logs


Monitor Log

This log is configured by Default.

Network Logs


Network Log

This log is configured by Default.

Platform Logs


Platform Log

This log is configured by Default.

Provision Logs


Provision Log

This log is configured by Default.

Scheduler Logs


Scheduler Log

This log is configured by Default.

Security Logs


Security Log

This log is configured by Default.

Storage Logs


Storage Log

This log is configured by Default.

Telemetry Logs


Telemetry Log

This log is configured by Default.

Utils Logs


Utils Log

This log is configured by Default.

Cluster Utilities Logs


Cluster Utils Log

This log is configured by Default.



System Logging

This log is configured by Default.

Audit Logs


All Login Attempts

This log is configured by Default.

CRON logs


CRON Job Logging

This log is configured by Default.

Pods logs

/var/log/pods/ * / * / * log

k8s pods

This log is configured by Default.

Access Logs

/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-<Realm Name>/access

Directory Server Utilization

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).

Error Log

/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-<Realm Name>/errors

Directory Server Errors

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).

CA Transaction Log


FreeIPA PKI Transactions

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).



KDC Utilization

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).

Secure logs


Login Error Codes

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).

HTTPD logs

/var/log/httpd/ *

FreeIPA API Calls

This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to ‘true’).

DNF logs


Installation Logs

This log is configured on Rocky OS.

BeeGFS Logs


BeeGFS Logs

This log is configured on BeeGFS client nodes.

Compute Logs


Logs system messages from all cluster nodes.

This log is configured by Default.

Cluster deployment logs


Logs deployment messages from all cluster nodes.

This log is configured by Default.


Logs of individual containers

  1. A list of namespaces and their corresponding pods can be obtained using: kubectl get pods -A

  2. Get a list of containers for the pod in question using: kubectl get pods <pod_name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'

  3. Once you have the namespace, pod and container names, run the below command to get the required logs: kubectl logs pod <pod_name> -n <namespace> -c <container_name>

Provisioning logs

Logs pertaining to actions taken during discovery_provision.yml can be viewed in /var/log/xcat/cluster.log and /var/log/xcat/computes.log on the control plane.


As long as a node has been added to a cluster by Omnia, deployment events taking place on the node will be updated in /var/log/xcat/cluster.log.

Telemetry logs

Logs pertaining to actions taken by Omnia or iDRAC telemetry can be viewed in /var/log/messages. Each log entry is tagged “omnia_telemetry”. Log entries typically follow this format.

<Date time> <Node name> omnia_telemetry[<Process ID>]: <name of file>:<name of method throwing error>: <Error message>

Grafana Loki

After telemetry.yml is run, Grafana services are installed on the control plane.

  1. Get the Grafana IP using kubectl get svc -n grafana.

  2. Login to the Grafana UI by connecting to the cluster IP of grafana service via port 5000. That is http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5000/login.

  3. In the Explore page, select control-plane-loki.

  1. The log browser allows users to filter logs by job, node, user, etc. Example

    (job= "cluster deployment logs") |= "nodename"
    (job="compute log messages") |= "nodename" |="node_username"

Custom dashboards can be created as per your requirement.

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at