Setup Jupyterhub

Using Helm charts, Omnia can install Jupyterhub on Kubernetes clusters. Once Jupyterhub is deployed, log into the UI to create your own notebook servers. For more information, click here.


  • Ensure the kubernetes cluster is setup and working.

  • Ensure the inventory file includes a kube_node group listing all cluster nodes.

  • Review the tools/jupyter_config.yml file to ensure that the deployment meets your requirements. If not, modify the file.

  • Ensure that a local Jupyterhub repository is created using the local repository script.

  • Omnia deploys the image irrespective of whether the intended notebooks are CPU-only, NVidia GPU, or AMD GPU. To use a custom image, modify the omnia/tools/roles/jupyter_config.yml file.

  • Ensure that NFS has been deployed on the cluster using storage.yml followed by scheduler.yml or omnia.yml. Verify that the required NFS storage provisioner is deployed using the below command:

    [root@node3 ~]# kubectl get pod -A
    NAMESPACE              NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS       AGE
    default                nfs-omnia-nfs-subdir-external-provisioner-54785fccd-9mp8z         1/1     Running            1 (12m ago)    3h24m
  • Verify that the default storage class is set to nfs_client for dynamic persistent volume provisioning.

    [root@node3 ~]# kubectl get storageclass
    NAME                   PROVISIONER                                               RECLAIMPOLICY   VOLUMEBINDINGMODE   ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION   AGE
    nfs-client (default)   cluster.local/nfs-omnia-nfs-subdir-external-provisioner   Delete          Immediate           true                   17h

Deploying Jupyterhub

  1. Change directories to the tools folder:

    cd tools
  2. Run the jupyterhub.yml playbook using:

    ansible-playbook jupyterhub.yml -i inventory


The default namespace for deployment is jupyterhub.

Accessing the Jupyterhub UI

  1. Verify that the Jupyterhub service is running using metallb loadbalancer.

  2. Find the IP address of the Jupyterhub service using:

    root@omnianode0000x:/usr/local# kubectl get svc -A
    NAMESPACE     NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
    default       kubernetes     ClusterIP      xx.xx.xx.xx      <none>        443/TCP                  2d2h
    jupyterhub    hub            ClusterIP      xx.xx.xx.xx      <none>        8081/TCP                 2d2h
    jupyterhub    proxy-api      ClusterIP      xx.xx.xx.xx      <none>        8001/TCP                 2d2h
    jupyterhub    proxy-public   LoadBalancer   xx.xx.xx.xx   xx.xx.xx.xx    80:31134/TCP               2d2h

The IP address is listed against proxy-public under External IP.

  1. The Jupyterhub GUI should be accessible from the control plane GUI via the external IP mentioned above. Use any browser to log in with user credentials.

  1. Choose your preferred notebook server option and click Start. A pod will be created for the user. Available server options will depend on the user logging in.

../../_images/Jupyterhub_UI.png ../../_images/Jupyterhub_UI_2.png

Stopping the Notebook server

  1. Click File > Hub Control Plane.

  2. Select Stop Server.


Stopping the notebook server only terminates the user pod. The users data persists and can be accessed by loggin in and starting the notebook server again.

Redeploy Jupyterhub with new configurations

  1. Update the tools/jupyter_config.yml file with the new configuration.

  2. Re-run the jupyterhub.yml playbook.

    cd tools
    ansible-playbook jupyterhub.yml -i inventory

Clearing Jupyterhub configuration

Clear the existing configuration by running the below command:

kubectl delete ns jupyterhub

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at