Configuring PowerVault

Configuring Powervault storage

To configure powervault ME4 and ME5 storage arrays, follow the below steps:

Fill out all required parameters in storage/powervault_input.yml:


Do not remove or comment any lines in the storage/powervault_input.yml file.




string Required

This variable indicates the network protocol used for data connectivity .

Default values: sas


string Required

This variable indicates the number of controllers available on the target powervault.


  • multi <- default

  • single


string Optional

Represents the selected language. Currently, only English is supported.

Default values: English


string Optional

The system name used to identify the PowerVault Storage device. The name should be less than 30 characters and must not contain spaces.

Default values: Unintialized_Name


string Required

Select the SNMP notification levels for PowerVault Storage devices.

Default values: none


string Required

This variable indicates the kind of pool created on the target powervault.


  • linear <- default

  • virtual


string Optional

Enter the required RAID levels and the minimum / maximum number of disks for each RAID levels.


  • raid1 <- default

  • raid5

  • raid6

  • raid10


string Required

Enter the range of disks in the format enclosure-number.disk-range,enclosure-number.disk-range. For example, to select disks 3 to 12 in enclosure 1 and to select disks 5 to 23 in enclosure 2, you must enter 1.3-12, 2.5-23.

A RAID 10 or 50 disk group with disks in subgroups are separated by colons (with no spaces). RAID-10 example:1.1-2:1.3-4:1.7,1.10 Note: Ensure that the entered disk location is empty and the Usage column lists the range as AVAIL. The disk range specified must be of the same vendor and they must have the same description.

Default values: 0.0-1


string Required

Specifies the disk group name

Default values: omnia


string Required

Specify the volume details for powervault and NFS Server node. Multiple volumes can be defined as comma-separated values. example: omnia_home1, omnia_home2.

Default values: omnia_home


string Required

Enter the volume size in the format: SizeGB.

Default values: 100GB


string Required

Enter the pool for the volume.


  • a <- default

  • A

  • B

  • b


integer Optional

Specify the disk partition size as a percentage of available disk space.


string Optional

Enter the NIC of the server to which the PowerVault Storage is connected. Make sure the nfs server also has 3 nics (for internet, OS provision and powervault connection). The nic should be specified based on the provisioned OS on nfs server.


string Optional

The trap destination IP address is the IP address of the SNMP Server where the trap will be sent. If this variable is left blank, SNMP will be disabled. Omnia will not validate this IP.


string Optional

The SNMP community string used to access statistics, MAC addresses and IPs stored within a router or other device.

Default values: public

Run the playbook:

cd storage
ansible-playbook powervault.yml -i inventory -e powervault_username="" -e powervault_password=""
  • Where the inventory refers to a list of all nodes separated by a newline.

  • powervault_username and powervault_password are the credentials used to administrate the array.


Once the storage is successfully set up, set enable_omnia_nfs (input/omnia_config.yml) to false and omnia_usrhome_share (input/omnia_config.yml) to an accessible share path in BeeGFS to use the path across the cluster for deployments.

Configuring NFS servers

To configure an NFS server, enter the following parameters in storage/nfs_server_input.yml




string Optional

Mandatory field when nfs group is defined with an IP and omnia is required to configure nfs server. IP of Powervault connected to NFS Server should be provided. In a single run of omnia, only one NFS Server is configured. To configure multiple NFS Servers, add one IP in nfs group in a single run of omnia.yml and give variable values accordingly. To configure another nfs node, update variables and run nfs_sas.yml


JSON list Required

Specify the volume details for powervault and NFS Server node For multiple volumes, list of json with volume details should be provided.

  • server_share_path: The path at which volume is mounted on nfs node

  • server_export_options: Default value is- rw,sync,no_root_squash (unless specified otherwise). For a list of accepted options, click here

  • client_shared_path: The path at which volume is mounted on all nodes. This value is taken as server_share_path unless specified otherwise.

  • client_mount_options: Default value is- nosuid,rw,sync,hard,intr (unless specified otherwise). For a list of accepted options, click here

Must specify atleast 1 volume

Default values: `` - { name: omnia_home, server_share_path: /home/omnia_home, server_export_options: }``

Run the playbook:

cd storage
ansible-playbook nfs_sas.yml -i /root/inventory -e powervault_username="xxxxx" -e powervault_password="xxxxxx"

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at