Configuring specific local repositories


To install ROCm, include the following line under softwares:

"amdgpu": [
       {"name": "rocm", "version": "6.0" }


To install RoCE, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "bcm_roce", "version": ""}

For a list of repositories (and their types) configured for RoCE, view the input/config/ubuntu/<operating_system_version>/bcm_roce.json file. To customize your RoCE installation, update the file. URLs for different versions can be found here:

  "bcm_roce": {
    "cluster": [
        "package": "bcm_roce_driver_{{ bcm_roce_version }}",
        "type": "tarball",
        "url": "",
        "path": ""


  • The RoCE driver is only supported on Ubuntu clusters.

  • The only accepted URL for the RoCE driver is from the Dell Driver website.


To install BeeGFS, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "beegfs"},

For information on deploying BeeGFS after setting up the cluster, click here.


To install CUDA, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "cuda", "version": "12.3.2"},

For a list of repositories (and their types) configured for CUDA, view the input/config/<operating_system>/<operating_system_version>/cuda.json file. To customize your CUDA installation, update the file. URLs for different versions can be found here:

For Ubuntu:

    "cuda": {
      "cluster": [
        { "package": "cuda",
          "type": "iso",
          "url": "",
          "path": ""

For RHEL or Rocky:

  "cuda": {
    "cluster": [
      { "package": "cuda",
        "type": "iso",
        "url": "",
        "path": ""
      { "package": "dkms",
        "type": "rpm",
        "repo_name": "epel"
  • If the package version is customized, ensure that the version value is updated in software_config.json`.

  • If the target cluster runs on RHEL or Rocky, ensure the “dkms” package is included in input/config/<operating systen>/8.x/cuda.json as illustrated above.

Custom repositories

Include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "custom"},

Create a custom.json file in the following directory: input/config/<operating_system>/<operating_system_version> to define the repositories. For example, For a cluster running RHEL 8.8, go to input/config/rhel/8.8/ and create the file there. The file is a JSON list consisting of the package name, repository type, URL (optional), and version (optional). Below is a sample version of the file:

  "custom": {
    "cluster": [
        "package": "ansible==5.3.2",
        "type": "pip_module"
        "package": "docker-ce-24.0.4",
        "type": "rpm",
        "repo_name": "docker-ce-repo"

        "package": "gcc",
        "type": "rpm",
        "repo_name": "appstream"
        "package": "community.general",
        "type": "ansible_galaxy_collection",
        "version": "4.4.0"

        "package": "perl-Switch",
        "type": "rpm",
        "repo_name": "codeready-builder"
        "package": "prometheus-slurm-exporter",
        "type": "git",
        "url": "",
        "version": "master"
        "package": "ansible.utils",
        "type": "ansible_galaxy_collection",
        "version": "2.5.2"
        "package": "prometheus-2.23.0.linux-amd64",
        "type": "tarball",
        "url": ""
        "package": "metallb-native",
        "type": "manifest",
        "url": ""
        "package": "",
        "version": "3.9",
        "type": "image"



To install FreeIPA, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "freeipa"},

For information on deploying FreeIPA after setting up the cluster, click here.


To install Jupyterhub, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "jupyter"},

For information on deploying Jupyterhub after setting up the cluster, click here.


To install Kserve, include the following line under softwares:

"kserve": [
       {"name": "istio"},
       {"name": "cert_manager"},
       {"name": "knative"}

For information on deploying Kserve after setting up the cluster, click here.


To install kubeflow, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "kubeflow"},

For information on deploying kubeflow after setting up the cluster, click here.


To install Kubernetes, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "k8s", "version":"1.26.12"},


The version of the software provided above is the only version of the software Omnia supports.


To install OFED, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "ofed", "version": "24.01-"},

For a list of repositories (and their types) configured for OFED, view the input/config/<operating_system>/<operating_system_version>/ofed.json file. To customize your OFED installation, update the file.:

For Ubuntu:

    "ofed": {
      "cluster": [
        { "package": "ofed",
          "type": "iso",
          "url": "",
          "path": ""

For RHEL or Rocky:

  "ofed": {
    "cluster": [
      { "package": "ofed",
        "type": "iso",
        "url": "",
        "path": ""


If the package version is customized, ensure that the version value is updated in software_config.json.


To install OpenLDAP, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "openldap"},

Features that are part of the OpenLDAP repository are enabled by running security.yml


To install OpenMPI, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "openmpi", "version":"4.1.6"},

OpenMPI is deployed on the cluster when the above configurations are complete and omnia.yml is run.


To install PyTorch, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "pytorch"},

"pytorch": [
        {"name": "pytorch_cpu"},
        {"name": "pytorch_amd"},
        {"name": "pytorch_nvidia"}

For information on deploying Pytorch after setting up the cluster, click here.

Secure Login Node

To secure the login node, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "secure_login_node"},

Features that are part of the secure_login_node repository are enabled by running security.yml


To install TensorFlow, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "tensorflow"},

"tensorflow": [
        {"name": "tensorflow_cpu"},
        {"name": "tensorflow_amd"},
        {"name": "tensorflow_nvidia"}

For information on deploying TensorFlow after setting up the cluster, click here.

Unified Communication X

To install UCX, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "ucx", "version":"1.15.0"},

UCX is deployed on the cluster when the local_repo.yml is run then omnia.yml is run.


To install vLLM, include the following line under softwares:

{"name": "vLLM"},

 "vllm": [
        {"name": "vllm_amd"},
        {"name": "vllm_nvidia"}

For information on deploying vLLM after setting up the cluster, click here.

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at