Granting Kubernetes access

Omnia grants Kubernetes node access to users defined on the kube_control_plane using the k8s_access.yml playbook.


  • Ensure the Kubernetes cluster is up and running.

Input parameters

  • Update the variable user_name, in the input/k8s_access_config.yml file with a comma-separated list of users.






    • A comma-separated list of users to whom access must be granted.

    • Every user defined here must have a home directory configured on the kube_control_plane.

    • Sample values: user1 or user1,user2,user3.

  • Verify that all intended users have a home directory (in the format /home/<user_name>) set up on the kube_control_plane.

  • Job access is granted based on the values provided in resources and verbs variables in scheduler/roles/k8s_access/template/role.yml.j2. These values cannot be modified.

    • resources are a list of kubernetes objects or entities that are used to define, configure, and manage applications or infrastructure within a Kubernetes cluster. Possible values include ["pods", "services", "deployments", "jobs"].

    • verbs are a list of actions that can be taken on the resources. Possible values are ["create", "get", "list", "update", "delete"].

  • The passed inventory should contain a defined kube_control_plane.



#AI Scheduler: Kubernetes


# node1


# node2

# node3

# node4

# node5

# node6

To run the playbook, use the below command:

cd scheduler
ansible-playbook -i  inventory k8s_access.yml

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