Containerized HPC benchmark execution

Use this playbook to download docker images and pull images onto cluster nodes using apptainer.

  1. Ensure that the cluster has been provisioned by the provision tool. and the cluster has been set up using omnia.yml.

  2. Enter the following variables in utils/hpc_apptainer_job_execution/hpc_apptainer_job_execution_config.yml:



hpc_apptainer_image JSON list Required

  • Docker image details to be downloaded in to cluster nodes using apptainer to create a sif file.

  • Example (for single image):

    - { image_url: "" }
  • Example (for multiple images):

       - { image_url: "" }
       - { image_url: "" }
  • If provided, docker credentials in omnia_config.yml, it will be used for downloading docker images.




  • Directory to filepath for storing apptainer sif files on cluster nodes.

  • It is recommended to use a directory inside a shared path that is accessible to all cluster nodes.

  • Default value: "/home/omnia-share/softwares/apptainer"

To run the playbook:

cd utils/hpc_apptainer_job_execution

ansible-playbook hpc_apptainer_job_execution.yml -i inventory


Use the inventory file format specified under Sample Files.

HPC apptainer jobs can be initiated on a slurm cluster using the following sample command:

srun -N 3 --mpi=pmi2 --ntasks=4 apptainer run /home/omnia-share/softwares/apptainer/oneapi-hpckit_latest.sif hostname

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