Updating kernels on RHEL (with subscription)


  1. Subscription should be available on nodes.

  2. Kernels to be upgraded should be available. To verify the status of the kernels, use yum list kernel.

  3. The input kernel revision cannot be a RHEL 7.x supported kernel version. e.g. “3.10.0-54.0.1” to “3.10.0-1160”.

  4. Input needs to be passed during execution of the playbook.

Executing the Kernel Upgrade:

Via CLI:

cd omnia/utils
ansible-playbook kernel_upgrade.yml -i inventory -e rhsm_kernel_version=x.xx.x-xxxx

Where the inventory refers to a file listing all manager and compute nodes per the format provided in inventory file. The inventory file is case-sensitive. Follow the casing provided in the sample file link.

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