Quick Installation Guide

Choose a server outside your intended cluster to function as your control plane.

The control plane needs to be internet-capable with Github and a full OS installed.


Omnia can be run on control planes running RHEL and Rocky. For a complete list of versions supported, check out the Support Matrix .

dnf install git -y


Optionally, if the control plane has an Infiniband NIC installed, run the below command:

yum groupinstall "Infiniband Support" -y

Once the Omnia repository has been cloned on to the control plane:

git clone https://github.com/dell/omnia.git

Change directory to Omnia using:

cd omnia
sh prereq.sh

Run the script prereq.sh to verify the system is ready for Omnia deployment.


The permisssions on the Omnia directory are set to 0755 by default. Do not change these values.

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at omnia.readme@dell.com.