FreeIPA installation on the NFS node

IPA services are used to provide account management and centralized authentication. To set up IPA services for the NFS node in the target cluster, run the following command from the utils/cluster folder on the control plane:

cd utils/cluster
ansible-playbook install_ipa_client.yml -i inventory -e kerberos_admin_password="" -e ipa_server_hostname="" -e domain_name="" -e ipa_server_ipadress=""

Input Parameter


Variable value


“admin” user password for the IPA server on RockyOS and RedHat.

The password can be found in the file input/omnia_config.yml .


The hostname of the IPA server

The hostname can be found on the manager node.


Domain name

The domain name can be found in the file input/omnia_config.yml.


The IP address of the IPA server

The IP address can be found on the IPA server on the manager node using the ip a command. This IP address should be accessible from the NFS node.

Use the format specified under NFS inventory in the Sample Files for inventory.