Provisioning the cluster

  1. Edit the input/provision_config.yml file to update the required variables.


The first PXE device on target nodes should be the designated active NIC for PXE booting.

  1. To deploy the Omnia provision tool, run the following command

    cd provision
    ansible-playbook provision.yml
  2. By running provision.yml, the following configurations take place:

  1. All compute nodes in cluster will be enabled for PXE boot with osimage mentioned in provision_config.yml.

  2. A PostgreSQL database is set up with all relevant cluster information such as MAC IDs, hostname, admin IP, infiniband IPs, BMC IPs etc.

    To access the DB, run:

    psql -U postgres
    \c omniadb

    To view the schema being used in the cluster: \dn

    To view the tables in the database: \dt

    To view the contents of the nodeinfo table: select * from cluster.nodeinfo;

    id | serial |   node    |      hostname       |     admin_mac     |   admin_ip   |    bmc_ip    |    ib_ip    | status | bmc_mode
      1 |   XXXXXXX | node00001 | node00001.omnia.test | ec:2a:72:32:c6:98 | | | | powering-on | static
      2 |   XXXXXXX | node00002 | node00002.omnia.test | f4:02:70:b8:cc:80 | | | | booted    | dhcp
      3 |   XXXXXXX | node00003 | node00003.omnia.test | 70:b5:e8:d1:19:b6 | | | | post-booting  | static
      4 |   XXXXXXX | node00004 | node00004.omnia.test | b0:7b:25:dd:e8:4a | | | | booted    | static
      5 |   XXXXXXX | node00005 | node00005.omnia.test | f4:02:70:b8:bc:2a | | | | booted    | static

Possible values of status are static, powering-on, installing, bmcready, booting, post-booting, booted, failed. The status will be updated every 3 minutes.


For nodes listing status as ‘failed’, provisioning logs can be viewed in /var/log/xcat/xcat.log on the target nodes.

  1. Offline repositories will be created based on the OS being deployed across the cluster.

  2. The xCAT post bootscript is configured to assign the hostname (with domain name) on the provisioned servers.

Once the playbook execution is complete, ensure that PXE boot and RAID configurations are set up on remote nodes. Users are then expected to reboot target servers discovered via SNMP or mapping to provision the OS.


  • If the cluster does not have access to the internet, AppStream will not function. To provide internet access through the control plane (via the PXE network NIC), update primary_dns and secondary_dns in provision_config.yml and run provision.yml

  • All ports required for xCAT to run will be opened (For a complete list, check out the Security Configuration Document).

  • After running provision.yml, the file input/provision_config.yml will be encrypted. To edit the file, use the command: ansible-vault edit provision_config.yml --vault-password-file .provision_vault_key

  • To re-provision target servers provision.yml can be re-run with a new inventory file that contains a list of admin (PXE) IPs. For more information, click here

  • Post execution of provision.yml, IPs/hostnames cannot be re-assigned by changing the mapping file. However, the addition of new nodes is supported as explained below.

  • Once the cluster is provisioned, enable RedHat subscription on all RHEL target nodes to ensure smooth execution of Omnia playbooks to configure the cluster with Slurm, Kubernetes.


  • Once xCAT is installed, restart your SSH session to the control plane to ensure that the newly set up environment variables come into effect.

  • To avoid breaking the passwordless SSH channel on the control plane, do not run ssh-keygen commands post execution of provision.yml.

Installing CUDA

Using the provision tool

  • If cuda_toolkit_path is provided in input/provision_config.yml and NVIDIA GPUs are available on the target nodes, CUDA packages will be deployed post provisioning without user intervention.

Using the Accelerator playbook

  • CUDA can also be installed using accelerator.yml after provisioning the servers (Assuming the provision tool did not install CUDA packages).


The CUDA package can be downloaded from here

Installing OFED

Using the provision tool

  • If mlnx_ofed_path is provided in input/provision_config.yml and Mellanox NICs are available on the target nodes, OFED packages will be deployed post provisioning without user intervention.

Using the Network playbook

  • OFED can also be installed using network.yml after provisioning the servers (Assuming the provision tool did not install OFED packages).


The OFED package can be downloaded from here .

Assigning infiniband IPs

When ib_nic_subnet is provided in input/provision_config.yml, the infiniband NIC on target nodes are assigned IPv4 addresses within the subnet without user intervention. When PXE range and Infiniband subnet are provided, the infiniband NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets as the PXE NIC.

  • For example on a target node, when the PXE NIC is assigned, and the Infiniband NIC is assigned (where ib_nic_subnet is


The IP is assigned to the interface ib0 on target nodes only if the interface is present in active mode. If no such NIC interface is found, xCAT will list the status of the node object as failed.

Assigning BMC IPs

When target nodes are discovered via SNMP or mapping files (ie discovery_mechanism is set to snmp or mapping in input/provision_config.yml), the bmc_nic_subnet in input/provision_config.yml can be used to assign BMC IPs to iDRAC without user intervention. When PXE range and BMC subnet are provided, the iDRAC NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets as the PXE NIC.

  • For example on a target node, when the PXE NIC is assigned, and the iDRAC NIC is assigned (where bmc_nic_subnet is

Using multiple versions of a given OS

Omnia now supports deploying different versions of the same OS. With each run of provision.yml, a new deployable OS image is created with a distinct type (rocky or RHEL) and version (8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7) depending on the values provided in input/provision_config.yml.


While Omnia deploys the minimal version of the OS, the multiple version feature requires that the Rocky full (DVD) version of the OS be provided.

DHCP routing for internet access

Omnia now supports DHCP routing via the control plane. To enable routing, update the primary_dns and secondary_dns in input/provision_config.yml with the appropriate IPs (hostnames are currently not supported). For compute nodes that are not directly connected to the internet (ie only PXE network is configured), this configuration allows for internet connectivity.

Disk partitioning

Omnia now allows for customization of disk partitions applied to remote servers. The disk partition desired_capacity has to be provided in MB. Valid mount_point values accepted for disk partition are /home, /var, /tmp, /usr, swap. Default partition size provided for /boot is 1024MB, /boot/efi is 256MB and the remaining space to / partition. Values are accepted in the form of JSON list such as:

    - { mount_point: "/home", desired_capacity: "102400" }
    - { mount_point: "swap", desired_capacity: "10240" }