
  • Once provision.yml is used to configure devices, it is recommended to avoid rebooting the control plane.

  • Omnia supports adding only 1000 nodes when discovered via BMC.

  • Removal of Slurm and Kubernetes component roles are not supported. However, skip tags can be provided at the start of installation to select the component roles.

  • After installing the Omnia control plane, changing the manager node is not supported. If you need to change the manager node, you must redeploy the entire cluster.

  • Dell Technologies provides support to the Dell-developed modules of Omnia. All the other third-party tools deployed by Omnia are outside the support scope.

  • To change the Kubernetes single node cluster to a multi-node cluster or change a multi-node cluster to a single node cluster, you must either redeploy the entire cluster or run kubeadm reset -f on all the nodes of the cluster. You then need to run the omnia.yml file and skip the installation of Slurm using the skip tags.

  • In a single node cluster, the login node and Slurm functionalities are not applicable. However, Omnia installs FreeIPA Server and Slurm on the single node.

  • To change the Kubernetes version from 1.16 to 1.19 or 1.19 to 1.16, you must redeploy the entire cluster.

  • The Kubernetes pods will not be able to access the Internet or start when firewalld is enabled on the node. This is a limitation in Kubernetes. So, the firewalld daemon will be disabled on all the nodes as part of omnia.yml execution.

  • Only one storage instance (Powervault) is currently supported in the HPC cluster.

  • Cobbler web support has been discontinued from Omnia 1.2 onwards.

  • Omnia supports only basic telemetry configurations. Changing data fetching time intervals for telemetry is not supported.

  • Slurm cluster metrics will only be fetched from clusters configured by Omnia.

  • All iDRACs must have the same username and password.

  • OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is not supported on the Control Plane.

  • Slurm Telemetry is supported only on a single cluster.

  • Omnia might contain some unused MACs since LOM switch have both iDRAC MACs as well as ethernet MACs, PXE NIC ranges should contain IPs that are double the iDRACs present.

  • FreeIPA authentication is not supported on the control plane.