Checking node status


Run nodels all nodelist.status for a list of nodes and their statuses.

omnia-node00001: installing
omnia-node00002: booted
omnia-node00003: powering-on
omnia-node00004: booted

Possible values of node status are powering-off, powering-on, bmcready, installing, booting, post-booting, booted, failed.


  • Once xCAT is installed, restart your SSH session to the control plane to ensure that the newly set up environment variables come into effect. This will also allow the above command to work correctly. If the new environment variables still do not come into effect, enable manually using:

    source /etc/profile.d/

Via omniadb

  1. To access the DB, run:

    psql -U postgres
    \c omniadb
  2. To view the schema being used in the cluster: \dn

  3. To view the tables in the database: \dt

  4. To view the contents of the nodeinfo table: select * from cluster.nodeinfo;

     id | service_tag |     node      |   hostname    |     admin_mac     |   admin_ip   |   bmc_ip   | status | discovery_mechanism | bmc_mode | switch_ip | switch_name | switch_port | cpu | gpu | cpu_count | gpu_count$
      1 |             | control_plane | | 00:0a:f7:dc:11:42 | |    |        |                     |          |           |             |             |     |     |           |
      2 | xxxxxxx     | node2         | | c4:cb:e1:b5:70:44 |    | | booted | mapping             |          |           |             |             | amd |     |         1 |         0
      3 | xxxxxxx     | node3         | | f4:02:70:b8:bc:2a |    | | booted | mapping             |          |           |             |             | amd | amd |         2 |         1
    (3 rows)

Possible values of node status are powering-off, powering-on, bmcready, installing, booting, post-booting, booted, failed.


  • The gpu_count in the DB is only updated every time a cluster node is PXE booted.

  • Nodes listed as “failed” can be diagnosed using the /var/log/xcat/xcat.log file on the target node. Correct any underlying issues and re-provision the node.

  • Information on debugging nodes stuck at ‘powering-on’, ‘bmcready’ or ‘installing’ for longer than expected is available here. Correct any underlying issue on the node and re-provision the node.

  • A blank node status indicates that no attempt to provision has taken place. Attempt a manual PXE boot on the node to initiate provisioning.

If you have any feedback about Omnia documentation, please reach out at