Setting up an NFS server

  1. Install the required NFS utilities package using:

    sudo dnf install -y nfs-utils
  2. Create an NFS share using the following commands:

    1. Create a shared folder: mkdir /nfs-share

    2. Move all the files to be shared here. (Use the mv or cp command)

    3. Change the permissions on these files: sudo chmod -R 777 /nfs-share

      • For ease, we use chmod -R 777, which sets the local file permissions to read/write/execute for everyone. This minimalizes the need for additional NFS share options in this exercise where the UID/GUID of the client user does not match the server and defaults to the nobody account on the server.

      • Evaluate if these permissions are appropriate for your environment before using them in production.

      • For more details, use man nfs.

    4. Make an entry in /etc/exports using the format <export folder> host1(options1) host2(options2) host3(options3). Alternatively, use the below command:

      echo "/nfs-share  <CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS>(rw)" | sudo tee -a /etc/exports > /dev/null
  3. Update the firewall settings to allow NFS traffic:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=nfs
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
    sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
  4. Enable and start the NFS service:

    sudo systemctl enable --now nfs-server
  5. Use showmount -e to verify the NFS shares available from the server.

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